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85 days till I get hitched ... am I on track?

So yes, some of you may already know that I will be walking down the aisle in a few months’ time!😝 Sorry I haven’t been in touch recently but organising a wedding is one hell of an all-consuming project (ultimate respect for full-time Wedding Planners!)

Do I feel ‘on track’? Well, I’ve decided this is a bit of silly concept that just makes people feel worse on the whole.

I’m a self-confessed control freak by nature. I’ve always liked a plan and I’ve struggled in the past to keep my cool if things don’t go to plan. Plans are necessary and needed but I’ve had to work hard on being ok with letting go of that control aspect in order to feel more at peace with the way life likes to surprise and unfold.

What does it even mean ‘to be on track’?! A vague sense that you are accomplishing your timetabled goals I guess? Yet the perfectionists amongst us will rarely ever feel like we are totally on track - we aim for ‘perfection’ (ie. the impossible!) and so never feel fully satisfied with ourselves in this way rendering it a fairly useless way of living.

I swore to myself I wouldn’t get stressed with wedding prep. I mean, at least it looks like we can actually get married this year after the disappointment of last year’s cancellation so the last thing I wanted to do was to stress about the small things! However, I admit, I did let stress creep in a few weeks ago when several tasks were in the RED on my beautiful spreadsheet...

No, I did not feel ‘on track’.

So I gave myself a good talking to...

And this is what I want to tell you also. So many of my clients often use this phrase ‘on track’ and they frequently mutter something along the lines of ‘I’ve had a really busy couple of weeks and so I haven’t been able to stay on track’. This is also accompanied with an apology or a guilty or shamed expression. But why would I judge them? We have to fall off track occasionally, if only to claim that we are human! There is NO SHAME in falling off that band-wagon because that is what is supposed to happen every now and again. Life will always throw us the unexpected or take an unforeseen turn. And the funny thing is that, from an outsider’s point of view, they are always doing better than they give themselves credit for!

The point is not whether you are ‘on track’ on ‘not on track’. The point is to be able to take steps to get back on track if you feel you need to find that balance again.

Even if that takes weeks or months. It’s the ability to move on upwards, inch on forwards which is important, the end goal isn’t really the purpose of the journey!

Change the way you speak to yourself – this applies to your diet as much as it does your with your workload.

😱 You haven’t felt like doing that juicing that you said you’d do at the start of spring?

😱 You started reducing your caffeine but recently you’ve had way more chocolate than usual?

😱 You haven’t done as much exercise as you’d like?

SO WHAT? Join the rest of us! You had the intention, you had the plan, you might have even done it before so you know you can do it again...


1) Acknowledge - Throw your head back and laugh at how silly your inner child can be sometimes! Why on earth would we want to keep reprimanding ourselves? It’s unhealthy & exhausting!

2) Accept – Accept that it is totally normal to veer off track. It is non-human not to!

3) Action - Take baby steps to find that inner balance again. Go back to basics. Focus on drinking more water. Taking two minutes to check you are breathing long, deep breaths. Take yourself physically to another space and ask yourself what really are the priorities?

Focus on WHAT YOU HAVE ACHIEVED and what you are doing to nourish yourself – DON’T REPRIMAND YOURSELF FOR WHAT YOU HAVEN’T DONE!

Life is too short...

Natasha x

P.S If you'd like to hear me speak more about nourishing the body & mind and eating habits, I will be chatting to the lovely & gentle Jacqueline from Belief & Healing this coming Wednesday 19th May at 7:30pm who is running 'Round the Blue Table' - a safe and friendly space to just listen to us or ask any questions. Zoom details will be sent out beforehand by Jacqueline. Send me an email or check the event out here:

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