Big subject here. The world of vitamins is a minefield and very confusing! We might be coming out of lockdown but good immunity is high on the priority list and so it should be.
The basic answer is: in an ideal world, we shouldn’t have to take supplements – in an ideal world, we should be able to source all the vitamins and minerals we require through our food and living naturally.
EXCEPT WE DON’T LIVE IN AN IDEAL WORLD! You only have to look at the climate change crisis and the poor state of this planet generally to know that we, as humans, have worked against nature for a very long time now in so many ways in order to satisfy capitalism, general human materialism and greed.
If you eat totally organically, live a fairly stress-free existence and have no underlying medical conditions, then you shouldn’t have to supplement your diet with extra vitamins. But how many of us can afford to eat totally organically these days?! Sadly, eating organically has become a luxury in some ways. It’s great that this lockdown has inspired and motivated a lot of us to grow our own fruit and veg where we can, but very few of us are in a lucky position where we can grow enough to completely self-sustain or afford to buy all organic.
Organic farming is a farming method that involves growing and nurturing crops without the use of synthetic based fertilizers and pesticides and no genetically modified organisms are permitted.
Most of the food that we purchase comes from commercial or conventional farms which don’t rotate their crops. Organic farms leave the earth to have time to replenish. Consequently the soil has more goodness in it, these minerals feeding into the next batch of produce. It is a slower, (and therefore more costly) way of farming but delivers quality produce, filled with far more nutrients and vitality. It’s a no-brainer - everyone can see that! You get your money’s worth, but it doesn’t change the fact that most of us can’t afford to eat all organic.
I don’t like the idea of stuffing people full of vitamins but they do have a place in this world as it is. If you think you could benefit from a more dietary vitality and want to reassure yourself that you are getting everything your body needs for ultimate immunity, I would recommend a really good multi-vitamin – that way, you are getting everything you need in the right dose. I would urge you to spend a little more and get a really good bio-available one – it becomes an expensive purchase if you buy the cheapies (more on this later!) I personally love Viridian, Higher Nature and Wild Nutrition.
Until that time when this whole world starts respecting nature and working with it, not against it, there is need for supplementation. Namaste to you all, Natasha
If you would like a more personal assessment via Zoom, then I would be delighted to help you. So many people go on a long journey of guesswork and end up spending a lot of money when real value can be had from having one or two personal consultations with a nutritional therapist who can set you on exactly the right path for you personally!