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Feeling the Advent Overwhelm? 😰

Two things grow in December: the anticipation for Christmas and the mounting overwhelm! It’s funny, really, because most of the stress leading up to Christmas is self-induced. But if you’re one to get excited about the festivities, you naturally create a whole list of things to buy, to do, to tick off.

You WANT to create a magical experience for your family and all those whom you cherish, so you put yourself under pressure to accomplish that goal. And that’s where the overwhelm can set in. It creeps in at the beginning of December because that’s when we start the ‘countdown’... I mean, even that word 'countdown' - invokes simultaneous anticipation and stress! Talk about a double-edged sword really!

The hype that we are naturally fed through adverts and social media etc obviously doesn’t help. A lot of us have been cooped up in unusual situations working and living side by side with family members through lockdown and this, alongside that radiator heat that seems to dehydrate you by the end of the day, all mounts up to one feeling a little frazzled. Am I right?


1) Plunge your arms in freezing cold water

This is a hydrotherapy technique which is totally free and very effective. Fill a sink with cold water – as cold as you can get it – and immerse your forearms in it. Stay there for as long as you can – ideally 4-5 mins whilst breathing deeply. By making your arms cold, your body automatically diverts some of the blood and heat away from the head in order to start warming up your arms. The result? You mind starts cooling down and you won’t feel as ‘frazzled’. Great for headaches too.

2) Get out into nature and look up!

There is nothing like natural light and cool natural air to calm a frazzled aura! Ideally find some water like a stream or river and go sit by it. Water as an element is stilling and cooling (even the sea with its choppy waves). Even if you don’t get in the water, just being by water will wash away some of that fiery brain-heat!

3) B Vitamins to the rescue!

If you are seriously struggling on the energy front and feel like you are ‘scraping the barrel’ consider taking some a B complex. B Vitamins are known as the ‘energy vitamins’ as they directly impact our energy levels, brain function and cell metabolism. They are the building blocks of energy production in our bodies! When we are stressed, B vitamins are gobbled up by our adrenal glands so taking a B-complex supplement can really give you a noticeable energy lift in times of stress and energy depletion!

Hope these help!

If you like my philosophy and the way I work, do feel free to contact me to see how I can help you further in regard to your nutrition and your lifestyle. I’m here to listen. Contact me at or call me on 07858-994088.


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