In this time of isolation the most important thing that you can do is to keep your stress levels as low as possible. And one way you can assist yourself practically is by staying as hydrated as possible. Basically:
Good Hydration = Happier Healthier Cells = Lower Overall Stress Levels = Better Immunity!
Here I am going to share Three Simple Ways of staying hydrated More Effectively.
‘Surely everyone knows how to stay hydrated?’ I hear you ask... Well, it’s amazing how we are only ever dished out PARTS of this necessary topic in basic education and information for the general population. The other remaining parts of the hydration question tend to be left out, for reasons I question everyday! These are the parts which make the use of that water FAR MORE EFFECTIVE... It’s not just about how much water you drink, it’s about how you drink the water which can make all the difference. So here’s some Tricks of the Trade:
Trick No.1 Give your body a hydrated message first thing in the morning!
The only way to achieve this is by giving your body water, in its pure form, BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE! A Pint of warm to hot water first thing immediately sends a reassuring message to your body telling it is being hydrated after a long sleep. Alternatively, having caffeine first thing before any water on its own immediately sends the opposite message to your brain and body – essentially telling it your body it is going to be run on adrenaline and therefore it is going to be run on a stressed and dehydrated alert!
It also kickstarts your metabolism in a healthy way and you’ve done a pint of your designated 3-4 pints of water a day – all before you’ve even had breakfast! Add lemon/ginger/mint for taste.
I know a lot of people will read this and just want to just skip Trick no 1 – “I couldn’t possibly not have my cup of tea first thing”, I hear you say! Trust me- as a fellow tea and coffee lover, the days I don’t start with a pint of water I never feel as good! Try it yourself for a few days and see... I have witnessed myself that those who have made it just part of their morning routine and have created this long-term health habit have reaped the rewards, no doubt about it! Trick No 2: Drink your water in between main meal times
A lot of people make the mistake of having a pint of water with their main meals. Whilst the fact that you are consuming water is great, drinking a substantial amount alongside a main meal dilutes the enzymes that are needed to digest your food and can lead to bloating and relatively poor overall absorption of vital nutrients. It is best to have your water in between main meals and have a few sips of water with the main meals. After having your 1st pint of water in the morning try to leave 20 minutes or so until you have that cup of tea or coffee or breakfast. Making me wait that long for my cup of tea definitely makes me enjoy it that much more, which can only be a good thing! Trick 3: Linseeds
Put a teaspoon of linseeds in a small glass of water and leave for a good few hours or overnight if you want to use for the morning. They will swell up and become slippery and the water will become a little gloopy. You can then add this to yoghurt, smoothies, porridge, cereals.
How has this got anything to do with hydration?! Not only are linseeds a wonderful source of essential fatty acids and are great for lubricating the digestive tract, they also utilise water brilliantly. Each and every one of our cells have a membrane which contributes to holding and utilising water effectively. Essential fatty acids (think Omega oils) help create a good membrane in order to hold that water inside us effectively.
Essentially: The better your Essential Fatty Acid profile is, the better your hydration status is!
Stay safe, STAY HYDRATED and remember that you deserve to be the healthiest and happiest you!