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Writer's pictureTreatYourselfNutrition

“Take care of yourself, won’t you” she said, "Stay safe"

The phrases that automatically tumble out of our mouths when taking leave from that other person we’ve just had a connection with. And we seem to now mean it that bit more because of Covid-19 and its consequences.

But what do we actually mean by these phrases? They tend to be said without much deep thought and rather as an automatic, polite way of ending a conversation, but subconsciously we genuinely do wish that other person well and are willing them to do the right thing by them. We we are really saying is ‘do what you need to do in order to take care of that body, mind and soul of yours’ because, you know what?.. at the end of the day, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU. ‘Stay safe’ is another way of saying ‘go back to basics, use your common sense and be mindful of how you can care for yourself in the best way possible’.

For years I shied away from taking full responsibility for my unhappiness and my various ailments. I felt much safer in the familiar self-pitying zone and, surely, as it wasn’t all my own fault for how things turned out, why should I be the one to have to take full command of my well-being?! I was so low at times that the thought of having to practically turn myself inside out to achieve a feeling of any kind of vibrancy was simply beyond me in terms of energy and too much like hard work anyway.

The thing is... we each have a responsibility to take ourselves seriously and to take jolly good care of ourselves. We have a duty to learn and educate ourselves so that we can strive to be our own best versions in order to contribute to the greater good of this world, raising the earth’s vibrations just that bit more. And this very action of taking responsibility has a domino effect. It is inevitable.

What you think and do matters. What you think and do affects those immediately around you. And those people will be helped or hindered by the way you treat yourself, and so the cycle continues. What you think and do AFFECTS THE WHOLE WORLD! It’s amazing, really.

I finally realised after a very bumpy road and practically hitting rock bottom, that nothing came from blaming anything or anyone else - I was the only one who could turn things around for me. That was the point in my life when things went from crap to better to beautiful.

‘Take care of yourself’ is actually a huge statement! So own that responsibility!

You are the Captain of your ship. Have a look at that internal landscape – how are things looking? Are you physically healthy? Are you truly content with how you feel? If there is anything that that needs fixing, don’t brush it aside, don’t sit on it – this is the most disrespectful thing you can do to yourself. Nothing ever good comes of it. And I know, if you’re reading this, you’re better than that. The Captain would immediately issue orders for the next action to be implemented. Take that first step of action to greater health, to greater happiness – to a GREATER YOU! Whatever that is and however big or small it is, do something about it.

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