Yes, all breathe a sigh of delighted relief! January is not the time when our bodies want to shift a whole load of toxins. It is mid-winter for goodness sake! Naturally our bodies are now in hibernation mode, storing mode. I would not, as a Nutritional Therapist, recommend any client of mine to do a full-on detox at this time of the year. Make it easy for yourselves and work with your bodies and with the seasons! Not only is this more logical, but the results will be more effective.
‘But what about my New Year’s Resolutions?’ I hear you say... Sure – make those resolutions! January marks a new beginning in our calendar and is a perfect time to mentally reflect and reset.
Spiritually, mid-winter is the period to take some time out, sit quietly and check in with yourself. So hey, how are you feeling? Sit with those feelings. We’ve celebrated Christmas with a mince pie (or 6!) and glass of bubbly but now it’s time to reflect on what’s gone before and what’s maybe to come... What do you want to achieve this year? How are you going to go about that?
If you are intending to focus on your health or your diet that’s wonderful, but there is no need to do anything drastic right at this moment... Phew! Little changes can start to be made but you don’t have to go forcing yourself through a full-on juicing week in order to immediately make it up to your poor liver that bore the brunt of one too many drinks over Christmas! All in good time my friends... If you suddenly take extreme measures, there is every chance you’ll fail yourself and the likelihood is that your body will have a freak-out because you gave it no warning signals and you are ultimately going against nature!
I guess what I’m trying to say is that it is more important to LAY SOLID FOUNDATIONS FIRST, starting with setting solid intentions. Then start the process off with tiny changes so that you create long lasting healthier habits with long-term effects. When spring finally emerges, you’ll be in a much stronger position to really push things further and maybe then you can do that week of juicing! And what’s more, your body will be naturally uncoiling from hibernation mode and less reluctant to shake off any unneeded layers and more eager to put its’ skates on and shake things up a bit!
If your New Year’s Resolution is to get your health back and clean up your diet but you don’t know where to start or what small changes are best to start with, this is the perfect opportunity to see a Nutritional Therapist. It’s easier to keep going and keep those resolutions if there is someone else helping and supporting you personally.
If you would like to know more about my practice and if I could help you, please see my website at: