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This Valentine’s Give Yourself a Dollop More Love!

Updated: Feb 13, 2020

So we go all out and show our loved ones how much we love them, but I’ve observed that we’re pretty poor at doing the same to ourselves.

My Mum used to say that the best present I could ever give her was to look after myself properly and BE HAPPY. That’s really all our loved ones want from us – for us to be healthy and happy. It’s a ridiculously simple request in some ways, but we’re complex emotional beings and it’s not always a simple thing.

It’s all very well throwing around the big gestures of flowers, expensive dinners etc for others (my focus is not to negate these things by the way) but do you spend enough time loving yourself? I don’t mean the off-the-scale narcissistic kind, I mean basic caring for yourself, self-respect, nourishing yourself well, checking in with yourself and your health, making SPACE and TIME for YOU??!

I always think of the safety instructions they give out on a flight – if the gas masks drop from overhead, they tell you to put your own gas mask on first before helping the child. The whole reasoning behind this is that you are no use to the child if you are not functioning yourself. It’s the idea of looking after Number One first (you!) because then you are in a position to help others and not be in a position of needing help.

If we neglect ourselves emotionally or physically, ultimately our health and well-being suffers. Inevitably, this then affects the people around us and those we love. We end up needing to lean on them more, we aren’t able to give them what they might need, they then start to worry about us. Get my point?! This Valentine’s Day, whether you are in a relationship or not, ask yourself if you are giving YOURSELF enough love and attention. If your honest answer is ‘No’ then do something about it and quickly!

Be the best son, daughter or partner by being at optimal health and happiness – you’ll be able to give them back much more than a pretty card and a bunch of flowers once a year!

I know that I haven’t written a word about ‘food’ per se, but us Nutritional Therapists look at much more than what you eat – we look at the whole picture. Humans have basic needs as well as food and water like the feeling of a purpose to their lives, a feeling of love and connection, a basic feeling of security in some way. All of these needs make up how we are functioning and if we are ultimately happy and healthy. Do you feel at peace in yourself? Do you feel in good health? Are you really happy?

Love – cultivate love in all aspects of your life – starting with you!

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