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Writer's pictureTreatYourselfNutrition


Well Hello!

Just before Christmas, I got a puppy called Loki. Here I am with him. 😋

It’s been an emotional rollercoaster because as much as he is super-cute he has managed to throw any sort of routine of mine out of the window! I felt like I couldn’t get anything done properly because of having to watch him permanently (like a toddler!) Interruption became the norm as I was always trying to save my slippers from those jaws (again) or catch him in time before he tried to sneak upstairs (which is the cat’s territory!).

Work became sporadic, I was juggling everything but concentrating on nothing. The result? I didn’t have that feel-good feeling of achievement - ever. But I wasn’t making it easy for myself. I was coasting; I was being REACTIVE to Loki and the situation as opposed to being PROACTIVE. So I sat down and created an hour to hour schedule which took into consideration Loki’s needs as well as mine. Now I just have to follow that schedule and things have got a whole lot easier!

Why am I telling you this? Because it’s no different when you apply it to your diet...

Creating BETTER EATING HABITS will serve your overall health long-term.

But where do you start?


Your environment has an incredible ability to shape your behaviour. And your behaviour creates your habits.

For example, by creating a timetable for me and Loki, I was creating an environment which would automatically make it easier for me to be productive. It took away always having to think ‘what do I need to do next?' - the focus was already done for me.

If you want to make a good behaviour (or habit) easier, reduce the number of steps between you and the behaviour. Basically, make it as easy as possible for yourself to be healthy!

Here are 3 WAYS to create more HEALTHY EATING HABITS:

1. Use Smaller Plates

Very simply, the bigger your plate, the more likely you are to have bigger portion sizes. So use those vouchers you got for Xmas to go and get yourself some lovely new crockery and watch how this trick will automatically allow you to eat less without you doing anything else!

Can’t I just keep my old big plates and put less food on my plate? Sadly, the subconscious doesn’t work like that! Science has proven that if you eat a smaller portion off a large plate, you mind feels unsatisfied. Meanwhile, the same portion feels more satiating when you eat it off a smaller plate.

The circles below are the same size, but your brain doesn’t view them the same!

You’re just changing your physical environment – you are simply changing THE WAY you eat, not WHAT you eat!

2. The Half-Plate Rule:

Firstly, before anything else, fill half your dinner plate with vegetables. Then fill the rest of the space up with the carbs and protein. Once the veg is on your plate in this way, you are less likely to over-do on the other bits!

You’re just making it automatically easier for yourself to ensure you get the balance right.

3. Wrap Unhealthy foods in tin foil:

Again, the mind will often take its lead from what your eyes see, so by wrapping more unhealthy foods in tin foil and tucking them away at the back of the fridge or cupboard, you are less likely to be tempted. The “out of sight, out of mind” has a lot of truth in it – especially when it comes to the kitchen and our tummies! The reverse also works – by wrapping healthy foods in cling-film, your eye will catch site of it more and will respond positively, especially if there is less of the ‘unhealthy foods’ in plain site.

If you want to make a good behaviour easier, reduce the number of steps between you and the behaviour. So, by using smaller plates for meals, it adds another ‘action’ between you and eating. If you want more, you’ll have to get up out of your chair and fill up again!

Long-term healthy eating is created by forming habits that put you emotionally more in control and in better physical stead so try these 3 things and watch those habits form...

Right, off to teach Loki about mindful eating... more of a tricky one to master for him!! Check this link out if you want to know more: Sending positivity to all,


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