Why does everything taste that much better when you know it might be the last time you have it? Being in isolation seems to have had this effect on many people and I’m so glad! When we stop taking the simplest things for granted and really concentrate on ‘the now’, amazingly simple everyday things start to shine more brightly.
When you know there is a limited amount of something to be had, your brain seems to automatically ensure that you really enjoy it, really relish it and you may even find yourself trying to make it last that little bit longer... and how wonderful this in itself is! Half the secret of a healthy digestive system is about how we eat our food and with what mindset. Slowing down and really appreciating each mouthful, triggers all the necessary healthy enzyme reactions needed to optimally digest our food. When we are stuffing our toast down our throats whilst half concentrating on getting the kids ready for school or working through our lunch breaks whilst not even noticing what’s inside our sandwiches, there is very little chance of optimal digestion. And this in turn can lead to much lower immunity – a staggering 80% of our immunity is dependent on how our gut is functioning!
Being in isolation has forced many of us to just slow down. A lot of us have lost our jobs, had holidays cancelled, weddings put on hold. When things are taken away from us, we take solace in what we do have. Most of us can’t even comprehend the meaning of real poverty, of real hunger. But having not been able to source rice for two weeks or have gone without eggs for a week, we are starting to remember how lucky we are generally. I personally have felt a huge amount of loss myself as a result of this pandemic, but my mid-morning coffee somehow tastes even better now and the daffodils on my veranda even brighter!
It is a bitter sweet process that can unfold our senses to taste and see the everyday with
more beauty, more colour and more intensity.
Although ‘saying prayer’ before tucking into the evening meal is an alien concept to most of us now in this modern world, that quiet dedicated moment (however you do it) of giving yourself over to pure gratefulness for the food you have been able to source and the meal you have been able to cobble together sits well with the heart, sings to the taste buds and works like undercover magic on your health...
Sending all positive and healing vibes to wherever you are,